The Roommates: True Tales of Friendship, Rivalry, Romance, and Disturbingly Close Quarters

Published August 2014 by Picador

Buy it at Barnes & Noble or Amazon


"Raw stories that feel honest and authentic." —Washington Post

"A fine choice to pack into your college-bound child’s backpack." —Boston Globe


"Love, Hate, and Roommates" on WNYC's Leonard Lopate Show

"A College Education Should Include Rooming With a Stranger" on the New York Times

"An Ode to the Random College Roommate" on Time

"Author Explores the Mysteries of Stranger Cohabitation" in AM New York

"The 8 Worst Types of Roommates You Could Encounter" on Huffington Post

"The Art and Science of Living With a Roommate" on WBUR's OnPoint with Tom Ashbrook

"Remember That Roommate Who..." on